
Monday, April 1, 2013

♥ The Day With DD [ Summer & Pearl Waffle ] ♥

- 0015 -
We seldom hang out together
Coz is also my working day
But special for this few days
Really relax
I love Off day ^^
I like to hang out with him... my DD ...
Our 2nD couple shirt ^^
Yeah ... !!!
 Long time dint go to  City Square ...o
Ntg to do
So decide go to hang around ...
We go to try the food in
Ya !!!
 Is one of my frenz favourite food ya ^^
She always talk in front of me before ><
Really need to try this ...
Forgot the name alrdy ==
I think is called ...
Teriyaki Chicken Sushi Burger ???
I think So ...
My DD food ...
I think is Chicken Chop rice ???
So normal for me ZZzzzzzz
HAHA ...
But the food at there really nice
especially that teriyaki chicken sushi burger ^^
Will try again next time ... ><
Finished our dnner
We go to have some dessert ...
I miss that [Waffle with Ice Cream] !!!
But it is too far to go Orchard to have it ><
So we just go to the nearby one
 that my frenz introduce it for me ...
At the 5th Floor at City Square
[ Pearl Waffle ]
The place quite nice
This guy
come out also concentrate to play the phone ==
Rasberry & Strawberry waffle with Ice Cream
EErrrrrr ....
 not so nice than I expected ...
But still ok ...
For me...
I more prefer the Bakerzin Waffle Ice cream ^^
Miss it so much ><

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